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Jabber - Transaction Request as Buyer

Here is a valid request format to do a reload, data package, PIN, etc transaction from Jabber / XMPP.

Prepaid Transaction

Please chat to Digiflazz Jabber ID you have added, with this format:


Format Description Example
BUYER_PRODUCT_CODE Product code you set in Digiflazz maxis10
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer number 0170000001
YOUR_JABBER_PIN Your registered jabber pin in Digiflazz 123456




We assume your registered Jabber PIN in Digiflazz is 123456

Transaction to the same number

Jabber will only be able to process 1x transaction tok the same number on the same day to ensure no duplicate transaction. To be able to do transaction more than once to the same number, please use the format below:

Counter Format




Trxid Format

You may use this format if you want to use Trxid without worrying about duplicate transaction. Trxid will be valid for 90 days. You can check status by sending the exactly same message to our jabber center with the same Trxid. Note that you can only check status a transaction from 90 days ago. If you check status a transaction which is longer than 90 days ago, our system will create a new transaction instead of checking the status. Trxid you use on jabber will also be synchronized with another connection as well.


Example of the First Transaction

maxis10.0170000001.123456 R#123456

Example of Check Status of Trxid 123456

maxis10.0170000001.123456 R#123456