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IP Get Transaction Response

Success Transaction

Here is some payload that is mandatorily appear in your response that we got if the Transaction Successfully processed by your system:

Trx ID
Product Code
Destination / customer number
Status: Success


TrxID=b31sSA5fjp code maxis5 to 0171000010 is already done at 15:19, status Success. SN:01447000007482589790. Balance 66,125.12

Failed Transaction

Here is some payload that is mandatorily appear in your response that we got if the Transaction Failed processed by your system:

Trx ID
Product Code
Destination / customer number
Status: Failed


TrxID=b31sSA5fjp code maxis5 to 0171000010 Failed. Balance 61,125+5 = 61,130 @16:52

Transaction In Process

Here is some payload that is mandatorily appear in your response that we got if the Transaction is processing in your system:

Trx ID
Product Code
Destination / customer number
Status: in process


TrxID=b31sSA5fjp code maxis5 to 0171000010 is in process @11:12. Balance 61,130 - 5 = 66,125