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Failure Reason

Here is the list of our system failure reason that you will possibly got as a buyer with Jabber / API / IP / SRS connection.

Message Transaction Created?
Wrong Number Yes
Invalid Payload No
Failed Processing Buyer Connection No
Product Code Not Found or Inactive No
Insufficient Balance No
Invalid IP No
Out of Stock No
Cut Off (Seller Maintenance) No
Seller Balance Limit No
Multiple Transaction Limit No
Product is out of Service(Non Active) No
Unsupported Connection No
Transaction exist in another Buyer No
Ref ID not unique No
Customer Number Blocked Yes
Bill is Unavailable Yes
Never made a Deposit No
Unable to do multiple transaction No
Seller Price is Larger than Buyer Limit No
You Account Has Been Blocked by Seller No
Seller is Blocked by Buyer No
You Account is Unverified No
Seller maintenance No
Transaction not Found Yes
Wrong Prefix Yes
Product Unavailable Yes
Unsufficient Seller Balance Yes
Customer number digit is wrong Yes
Cut Off in Process Yes
Destination Number is out of Reach Yes
Timeout from Biller Yes
Product is Unstable Yes
Please Unsubscribe Your Current Package First Yes