Failure Reason¶
Here is the list of our system failure reason that you will possibly got as a buyer with Jabber / API / IP / SRS connection.
Message | Transaction Created? |
Wrong Number | Yes |
Invalid Payload | No |
Failed Processing Buyer Connection | No |
Product Code Not Found or Inactive | No |
Insufficient Balance | No |
Invalid IP | No |
Out of Stock | No |
Cut Off (Seller Maintenance) | No |
Seller Balance Limit | No |
Multiple Transaction Limit | No |
Product is out of Service(Non Active) | No |
Unsupported Connection | No |
Transaction exist in another Buyer | No |
Ref ID not unique | No |
Customer Number Blocked | Yes |
Bill is Unavailable | Yes |
Never made a Deposit | No |
Unable to do multiple transaction | No |
Seller Price is Larger than Buyer Limit | No |
You Account Has Been Blocked by Seller | No |
Seller is Blocked by Buyer | No |
You Account is Unverified | No |
Seller maintenance | No |
Transaction not Found | Yes |
Wrong Prefix | Yes |
Product Unavailable | Yes |
Unsufficient Seller Balance | Yes |
Customer number digit is wrong | Yes |
Cut Off in Process | Yes |
Destination Number is out of Reach | Yes |
Timeout from Biller | Yes |
Product is Unstable | Yes |
Please Unsubscribe Your Current Package First | Yes |