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Do Transaction / Check Status

All API transaction will be process synchronously, which means all of requests will immediately get one of these response status: success/failed/processing. Response with processing status is waiting for the webhhok/callback from you API.


Check status will be done by requesting the same exact transaction with same ref id from prior transaction.


Here is the JSON structure wi will send:


Parameter Description Data Type Mandatory
username Username that is stated in API connection configuration String Yes
ref_id Digiflazz unique Ref ID String Yes
customer_id Customer Number String Yes
product_code Your product code String Yes
sign Signature with formula md5(username + apiKey + ref_id) String Yes


    "username": "username",
    "ref_id": "some1d",
    "customer_id": "01170000001",
    "product_code": "maxis5",
    "sign": "740b00a1b8784e028cc8078edf66d12b"


Here is the JSON structure we expect:


Parameter Description Data Type Mandatory
ref_id Digiflazz unqique Ref ID String Yes
status Transaction status String Yes
code Your product code String Yes
customer_id Customer Number String Yes
price Your product price String Yes
message Tnrasaction status Description String Yes
balance Digiflazz remaining balance in your system String Yes
tr_id Your system Unique ID String Yes
rc Response Code String Yes
sn Serial Number String Yes


JSON Response will be wrap by data variable, make sure you parse it correctly.


    "data": {
        "ref_id": "some1d",
        "status": "0",
        "code": "maxis5",
        "customer_id": "01170000001",
        "price": "5.12",
        "message": "Process",
        "balance": "4995.88",
        "tr_id": "trid1",
        "rc": "39",
        "sn": ""