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All API transaction will be process synchronously, which means all your request will immediately get one of these response status: success/failed/processing.

Check Status

Response with processing status can be check again later by sending the exact same request with same ref_id on the initial transaction.




Here is the JSON structure we expect:

Parameter Description Data Type Mandatory
username Username you get from API connection configuration String Yes
buyer_sku_code Your product code as buyer String Yes
customer_no Customer number String Yes
ref_id Your unique Ref ID String Yes
sign Signature with formula md5(username + apiKey + ref_id) String Yes
testing Set the value as true if you want to do some development Boolean No


    "username": "username",
    "buyer_sku_code": "maxis5",
    "customer_no": "01170000001",
    "ref_id": "some1d",
    "sign": "740b00a1b8784e028cc8078edf66d12b"


Here is the JSON structure you will receive:


Parameter Description Data Type Mandatory
ref_id Your unique Ref ID String Yes
customer_no Customer Number String Yes
buyer_sku_code You product code as Buyer String Yes
message The transaction status's description String Yes
status Transaction status Success, Processing, Failed String Yes
rc Response Code String Yes
sn Serial Number / Reference Number String No
buyer_last_saldo Your last balance after the transaction Float No
price Product price Integer Yes
tele Seller's Telegram String No
wa Seller's Whatsapp String No


JSON Response will be wrapped by data variable, make sure you parse it correctly.


    "data": {
        "ref_id": "some1d",
        "customer_no": "01170000001",
        "buyer_sku_code": "maxis5",
        "message": "Processing",
        "status": "Processing",
        "rc": "03",
        "buyer_last_saldo": 4995.88,
        "price": 5.12,
        "tele": "@telegram",
        "wa": "01170000002"


To do some development / testing, please use the test case we provide in Test Case page.