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Response Code

RC Message Status Transaction Created?
00 Success Success Yes
01 Timeout Failed Yes
02 Failed Failed Yes
03 Processing Processing Yes
40 Invalid Payload Failed No
41 Wrong Signature Failed No
42 Failed Processing Buyer Connection Failed No
43 Product Code Not Found or Inactive Failed No
44 Insufficient Balance Failed No
45 Invalid IP Failed No
47 Transaction exist in another Buyer Failed No
49 Ref ID not unique Failed No
50 Transaction not found Failed Yes
51 Customer Number Blocked Failed Yes
52 Wrong Prefix Failed Yes
53 Product Unavailable Failed Yes
54 Wrong Number Failed Yes
55 Product Unavailable Failed Yes
56 Seller Balance Limit Failed Yes
57 Customer number digit is wrong Failed Yes
58 Cut Off in Process Failed Yes
59 Destination Number is out of Reach Failed Yes
60 Bill is Unavailable Failed Yes
61 Never made a Deposit Failed No
62 Seller maintenance Failed No
63 Unable to do multiple transaction Failed No
64 Request Ticket Failed, Try Another Denomination or Contact Admin Failed No
65 Multiple Transaction Limit Failed No
66 Cut Off (Seller Maintenance) Failed No
67 Seller has not Been Verified Failed No
68 Out of Stock Failed No
69 Seller Price is Larger than Buyer Limit Failed No
70 Timeout from Biller Failed Yes
71 Product is Unstable Failed Yes
72 Please Unsubscribe Your Current Package First Failed Yes
80 You Account Has Been Blocked by Seller Failed No
81 Seller is Blocked by Buyer Failed No
82 Your Account is Unverified Failed No
99 Router Issue Processing Yes